Thursday, March 11, 2010

WTF America?

You made my pit bull pee her pants. Seriously. "Don't worry honey, mommies were screaming at the TV, not you. "

Alex Lambert and Lilly Scott gone? Effing really? I could barf.

Me too, Uzi, me too.

Alex was easily taking his place as my favorite guy (Sorry Andrew, I do love you so still), and Lilly was my second favorite girl. (Oh Crystal Bowersox, I worship thee.) Has Randy been handing out his crack-stash so you all vote off the people who can actually sing?

Okay, okay. There have been a few deserved vote-offs. But honestly, why on Earth is Tim Urban still here? He seems sweet enough, but the boy can't - I repeat cannot - sing. Send him back to the coffee shop where he belongs. He'll still get panties thrown at him, and then some. Katie Stevens is sweet and she can sing, but she has no idea what kind of an artist she is yet. She could certainly benefit from some more experience and come back and try out again next year.

Let's take a look back to see all those who should still be here...:

Joe Muñoz
- He is the first to start my hatred of the AI voting public.
Ashley Rodriguez - Second.
Haeley Vaughn - Did you see all the contestants cry when she left? Bastards.
John Park - Erika misses you dearly. Call her.
Todrick Hall - Are your voting fingers broken? WTF?? Boy can dance and sing. Did you not hear him throwdown on Queen? We'll see him again soon.
Lilly Scott - Was there a glitch in the system somewhere? She's amazing and quirky and the girl's gonna get an album - stat.

...And who weren't yet "ripe bananas":

Janell Wheeler - Eh...She was ok.
Tyler Grady - Back to the 70's with you. Don't trip on your bell bottoms on your way out.
Jermaine Sellers - Can't throw anyone under the bus when you're GONE!
Michelle Delamor - Again, eh. Nothing special really. No offense.
Katelyn Epperly - Guitar, piano, who cares?

"Tell them how you really feel, April."
I have and I will.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Idol Chatter.

So, Erika and I have become addicted to "American Idol". Only God knows why...Oh yeah, Ellen. That's the main reason, but then we met Crystal Bowersox and Andrew Garcia and fell madly in love. It's good times, until the judges start yappin'. Seriously, these people should continuosly slurp their strategically placed cokes and STFU a good 90% of the time. I don't think they're in the same world we are. Kara is the new Paula, and Randy is the new annoying. And well, Simon is just Simon. Even Ellen makes me cock my head sideways like a google-eyed pug from time to time. Perhaps those for-mentioned Cokes have been tampered with. *Wink wink* *Nudge nudge* Perhaps they're not even Cokes at all. Did someone say whiskey? Hmmm. Perhaps.

As for the whole Crystal Bowersox illness/"Wait, what? The boys are going first? Isn't that against God or something?" moment: (as previously posted as a response to that yakk-fest of a Yahoo American Idol Blog. Don't get me started.) I think some people take this Idol thing waaaaaay too seriously and are prone to over analysis. The girl was sick and was hospitalized. Give her - and us - a break. I don't think that the producers were favoring her; I think they were giving someone who is talented a chance. Is it really that big of a deal that the boys had to bump it up a day? It's a competition for one thing; and another, if these folks make it to the big time they'll have to deal with issues concerning time slot bumps and the like. It's all part of the game. And honestly, I feel sorry for Crystal. She seems an honest, down to earth sort who is probably embarrassed by all of this hullabaloo centering around her. On that note, I'll shut up. Lighten up people.

Oh yeah. I said it.


Well, here I am, blogging. And what will I blog about, you may be thinking? Hmm...good question. Be warned: this may be a mishmash blog of the random sort. (Beware, redundancy may also occur.)

My name's April and I ramble. You have been warned.